mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Anniversaire de la Bataille de Nancy (5 janvier 1477)

Demain, nous fêterons le 535e anniversaire de la victoire des Lorrains sur les Bourguignons.

En effet, le 5 janvier 1477, le duc René II de Lorraine et ses alliés suisses et alsaciens remportèrent, à Nancy,
une victoire mémorable sur l'armée du duc de Bourgogne, Charles le Téméraire.

Avec ce succès, les Lorrains reprirent en mains leur destin, libérés du joug bourguignon.


Pour avoir un récit complet et illustré de cette bataille,
je vous invite à consulter le billet que je lui avais consacré l'an passé
en cliquant sur l’enluminure ci-dessous.

"La bataille de Nancy, 5 janvier 1477"
Miniature du manuscrit "La Nancéide" de Pierre de Blarru. Fin XVe siècle.

ou en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous :

La bataille de Nancy

Copyright - Olivier PETIT - 2012 © Tous droits réservés

2 commentaires:

  1. Hello!
    Sorry for commenting in English but, while I can read French, I cannot yet write it. Being an East European, I'm interested to know about other people's fight for freedom during the fifteenth century, as we had to face the Ottoman danger. I know very little about the medieval Lorraine or Switzerland but I have a great respect for rulers and people who never sought to invade foreign lands, fighting only to preserve what was rightfully theirs. As I gathered that it was highly the case, "chapeau bas" to the duke of Lorraine and his faihful allies!

    However, I have a question regarding the significance of this victory. As I saw somewhere Lorraine listed among the possessions of the Holy Roman Empire, I'd like to ask whether the victory of Nancy also meant that Lorraine was no longer part of the Empire? I mean, I read that this brilliant victory secured the independance of Lorraine.

    Thank you very much and hope you had a good day of celebration!

  2. First, thank you for reading this article about the battle of Nancy.

    Lorraine depends of the Holy Roman Empire until 1542 with the treaty of Nuremberg. The duchy of Lorraine become at that time a free duchy !
